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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paul Ekman Vancouver talk: Darwin, the Dalai Lama and the Nature of Compassion

Dr Paul Ekman’s talk is part of the Dalai Lama Center’s Speaker Series, which offers public events that focus on key areas of interest to the Center and to the Dalai Lama, including science and its relationship to spirituality, education of the heart, and the development of compassion and its contribution to the public good.

Dr Paul Ekman’s talk will look at the connection between an evolutionary and a Buddhist view of human nature and will provide a new formulation of the nature of empathy, compassion, altruism and heroism. A long-time friend of the Dalai Lama, Dr Ekman joined the stage with His Holiness at the 2006 Vancouver Dialogues:

Dr Paul Ekman read to the Dalai Lama a passage from Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man that said one of humankind’s noblest virtues “seems to arise incidentally from our sympathies becoming more tender and more widely diffused, until they are extended to all sentient beings.” After hearing this, His Holiness told Dr Ekman, “I am a Darwinian.”

For Dr Paul Ekman, the lecture “Darwin, the Dalai Lama and the nature of compassion” is not only an opportunity for the audience to learn from the world renowned psychologist, but also a chance for him to learn from them.

“I have given this talk a few times, but it continues to grow and change each time I give it,” he says. “I really want to see how people react and see whether I can gain any new ideas about it.”
Ekman, Professor Emeritus at the University of California at San Francisco, is not averse to using people’s reactions to his work and making drastic changes mid-stream. While writing Emotions Revealed, he had an encounter with the Dalai Lama that led him to reconsider much of what he had written.

“Some of the questions that he had asked and the issues raised during the course of our meeting caused me to rethink the nature of how emotions are triggered and I rather completely rewrote those chapters,” he says. “Emotions Revealed certainly benefited from my meeting with the Dalai Lama.”

Ekman notes that the Dalai Lama considers himself a Darwinian, which he suggests shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. “There is so much similarity between Darwin’s thinking about compassion and virtue and the Buddhist view,” he says. “Although the Buddhists came up with these ideas first and Darwin was aware of Buddhism, they appeared in Darwin’s notebooks years before he learned anything about it,” Ekman says, indicating that the Buddhists and Darwin developed their models of the nature of compassion independent of each other.

And just what is it about Buddhism’s and Darwin’s concepts of compassion and virtue that are so similar? For one, Ekman says, it is that the relationship between mother and infant is such a central focus. Darwin called that relationship the initial basis of compassion, while the Dalai Lama has referred to it as the ‘seed of compassion’,” says Ekman. “We take that [relationship] for granted. But if we treated all human beings the same way we treat our own child, then the world would be a very different place.”

Of course, Ekman has more to share on the links between Darwin and Buddhism, which he will have the opportunity to do this Thursday in Vancouver. Ekman will give his talk – which looks at the connection between an evolutionary and a Buddhist view of human nature and provides a new formulation of the nature of empathy, compassion, altruism and heroism – at SFU’s Segal School of Business on March 11 at 7:00 pm.

About Dr Paul Ekman
Dr Paul Ekman’s work in psychology has led to many international awards and publications, some of which were based on his conversations with the Dalai Lama, and he was named one of last year’s 100 most influential people by TIME Magazine.

Internationally known for his studies on the correlations between facial expressions and human emotions, Dr Ekman is also the inspiration for the television drama series Lie to Me.

Tags: Paul Ekman Vancouver, Darwin, the Dalai Lama and the Nature of Compassion

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Estudo liga infidelidade masculina a QI mais baixo "Homens que traem as esposas e namoradas tendem a ter QI mais baixo e ser menos inteligentes, segundo um estudo publicado na revista especializada Social Psychology Quarterly.

De acordo com o autor do estudo, o especialista em psicologia evolutiva da London School of Economics, Satoshi Kanazawa, "homens inteligentes estão mais propensos a valorizar a exclusividade sexual do que homens menos inteligentes".

Kanazawa analisou duas grandes pesquisas americanas a National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health e a General Social Surveys, que mediam atitudes sociais e QI de milhares de adolescentes e adultos. Ao cruzar os dados das duas pesquisas, o autor concluiu que as pessoas que acreditam na importância da fidelidade sexual para uma relação demonstraram QI mais alto.

De acordo com o estudo, o ateísmo e o liberalismo político também são características de homens mais inteligentes.

Kanazawa foi mais longe e disse que outra conclusão do estudo é que o comportamento "fiel" do homem mais inteligente seria um sinal da evolução da espécie. Sua teoria é baseada no conceito de que, ao longo da história evolucionária, os homens sempre foram "relativamente polígamos", e que isso está mudando.

Para Kanazawa, assumir uma relação de exclusividade sexual teria se tornado então uma "novidade evolucionária" e pessoas mais inteligentes estariam mais inclinadas a adotar novas práticas em termos evolucionários - ou seja, a se tornar "mais evoluídas".

Para o autor, isso se deve ao fato de pessoas mais inteligentes serem mais "abertas" a novas ideias e questionarem mais os dogmas. "


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Inteligentni Mężczyźni Rzadzaj Zdradzają Dr Satoshi Kanazawa z London School of Economics and Political Science przeprowadził ostatnio badania, z których wynika, że mężczyźni z wyższym ilorazem inteligencji przykładają większą wagę do wartości monogamii niż ich mniej inteligentni koledzy. Zobacz też: 10 najbardziej destrukcyjnych zachowań ludzkich
Kanazawa zrobił analizy dwóch większych badań, przeprowadzonych wcześniej w Stanach Zjednoczonych, które przedstawiały postawy społeczne i poziom inteligencji tysięcy amerykańskich nastolatków i dorosłych.

Jak wykazuje analiza empiryczna (…, bardziej inteligentni mężczyźni są w większym stopniu skłonni doceniać wartość monogamii i wyłączności seksualnej niż mniej inteligentni panowie - stwierdził akademik.
Kanazawa uważa, że zależność ta ma swoje podstawy w rozwoju ewolucyjnym. Wyłączność seksualna jest - przekonuje akademik - "nowinką ewolucyjną"; jakością, która miałaby niewielkie znaczenie dla pierwszych ludzi, zaprogramowanych wręcz na rozwiązłość.

Wtedy chodziło o zostawienie jak największej ilości potomków. Teraz przestało to być wartością nadrzędną i tylko inteligentni mężczyźni byli w stanie zrzucić psychologiczny balast swojej płci i przystosować się do wymagań współczesnego świata.
Co ciekawe, podobna korelacja w przypadku kobiet nie zachodzi: nie znaleziono dowodów, które by przekonywały, że im kobieta mądrzejsza, tym bardziej wierna.

Badania Dr Satoshi Kanazawy zostały opublikowane w marcowym wydaniu kwartalnika "Social Psychology Quarterly".

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Đàn ông lăng nhăng thường kém thông minh

Dantri Vietnam: Không chỉ bị nhiều người khinh thường vì tính lừa dối, những ông chồng có “máu phản bội” còn có chỉ số IQ thấp hơn bình thường - kết luận của các nhà khoa học Anh.

Tiến sĩ Satoshi Kanazawa, nhà tâm lý học tiến hóa, thuộc trường Khoa học chính trị và kinh tế London, cho biết đàn ông càng thông minh thì càng ít có khả năng lừa dối bạn đời.

Kết luận của ông dựa trên những nghiên cứu thông qua lịch sử tiến hóa của loài người rằng đàn ông luôn có thiên hướng đa thê. Tuy nhiên, xu hướng này ngày nay đã thay đổi. Tiến sĩ Kanazawa lý giải, quá trình tham gia vào một mối quan hệ tình dục chọn lọc là một cuộc cách mạng đối với đàn ông. Theo lý thuyết của ông, những người thông minh sẽ tiếp nhận quá trình tiến hóa đó để trở nên phát triển hơn.

Vì vậy, xét về tính trung thực, những người đàn ông nào không chịu tiếp nhận sự phát triển mà vẫn theo con đường cũ thì rõ ràng người đó kém thông minh hơn những người khác. “Lý thuyết này cho thấy nam giới thông minh sẽ coi trọng tình dục an toàn và chung thủy”, ông khẳng định.

Nghiên cứu đăng trên tạp chí Tâm lý xã hội này cũng cho thấy, những người thông minh sẽ ít có niềm tin vào Chúa hay có những tư tưởng bảo thủ. Phân tích nghiên cứu theo chiều dọc về sức khỏe thanh thiếu niên quốc gia Mỹ, tiến sĩ Kanazawa tìm ra rằng những người trưởng thành coi mình có tư tưởng phóng khoáng có chỉ số IQ trung bình là 106, trong khi những người theo tư tưởng bảo thủ thì chỉ số IQ trung bình chỉ là 95.

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Intelligentsed mehed petavad vähem "Ühe Suurbritannia ülikooli uurijad avastasid, et kõrgema IQ-ga mehed väärtustavad monogaamiat ja seksuaalset truudust kõrgemalt kui vähem intelligentsed mehed, kirjutab Telegraph.

Kuid näib, et naiste puhul seost konventsionaalse seksuaalse moraali ja intelligentsi vahel ei ole. Neid seaduspärasid tutvustas dr Satoshi Kanazawa Londoni majanduse ja poliitikateaduse koolist ajakirja Social Psychology Quarterly märtsikuises väljaandes avaldatud artiklis.

Uurimuse raames analüüsis ta kahte mahukat USAs läbi viidud uuringut, milles määrati kindlaks tuhandete teismeliste ja täiskasvanute sotsiaalsed seisukohad ning nende IQ.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa järeldas: „Nagu empiiriline analüüs näitas, väärtustavad intelligentsemad mehed suurema tõenäosusega monogaamiat ja seksuaalset truudust kui vähem intelligentsed mehed.” Ta väidab, et meeste intelligentsuse ja monogaamia vaheline korrelatsioon tuleneb evolutsioonilisest arengust.

Seksuaalne truudus on tema väitel „evolutsiooni seisukohast uudne” omadus, millest oleks ürgaja inimesele olnud vähe kasu, sest nad olid programmeeritud elama valimatut suguelu. Kaasaegses maailmas ei ole mitut seksuaalpartnerit omavatel meestel evolutsioonilist eelist, kuid ainult intelligentsed mehed suudavad heita kõrvale inimsoo psühholoogilise pärandi ja võtta omaks uued käitumisviisid.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa uuring näitas, et teised kõrgema intelligentsiga inimestele tüüpilisemad „evolutsiooniliselt uudsed” omadused on muuhulgas näiteks ka liberaalsus ja ateism."


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Inteligentni varajo manj? "Moški z višjim IQ torej bolj cenijo monogamijo in seksualno ekskluzivnost kot drugi pripadniki močnejšega spola ... Takšen vzorec je odkril evolucijski psiholog Satoshi Kanazawa (London School of Economics and Political Science), ki je analiziral socialne vrednote in IQ več tisoč najstnikov in starejših. ''Izsledki kažejo, da inteligentnejši moški bolj cenijo monogamijo,'' je dejal Kanazawa, ki za razlog takšnega vedenja ponuja evolucijski razvoj.

Zvestoba je ''evolucijska novost''
Moški so bili v preteklosti vedno malce poligamni, seksualna ekskluzivnost pa je ''evolucijska novost'', ki bi bila nekoč za moškega neproduktivna, zato je bil programiran kot promiskuiteten, trdi Kanazawa. Toda pravila sodobnega sveta so drugačna kot nekoč in ne dajejo prednosti moškim z več seksualnimi partnericami – le inteligentni moški pa so sposobni preseči takšno naravnanost in se prilagoditi novim načinom vedenja, pravi Kanazawa.

Po teoriji bodo inteligentni ljudje hitreje usvojili neko novo prakso, da bi postali čim naprednejši. To pravilo velja tudi, ko gre za vprašanje zvestobe – moški, ki se ne zmorejo prilagoditi in na koncu podležejo skušnjavi ter varajo svoje partnerice, so verjetno bolj neumni od zvestih. ''Teorija predpostavlja, da bodo inteligentni moški bolj cenili seksualno ekskluzivnost,'' zaključuje Kanazawa.

Pri ženskah pravilo ne velja
Povezava med zvestobo in inteligenco se po drugi strani ne nanaša na ženske, saj se je od njih vedno pričakovalo, da bodo zveste, tudi v poligamnih družbah. Med evolucijskimi novostmi je tudi to, da inteligentnejši ljudje manj verjamejo v boga in imajo liberalnejša stališča."


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Чем выше интеллект мужчины, тем он вернее в браке

Сатоши Каназава (Satoshi Kanazawa), профессор психологии, который преподает в престижном учебном заведении Англии – Лондонской школе экономики и политических наук (London School of Economics and Political Science) считает, что все разговоры о врожденной мужской полигамности неверны и ненаучны. По мнению профессора, в процессе эволюции мужские особи Homo sapiens были действительно склонны к полигамному поведению, однако, как утверждает Каназава, это была «умеренная полигамность».

Каназава считает, что на нынешнем этапе эволюции мужчины усвоили моногамное поведение и стали гораздо более избирательными при выборе партнерши. Моногамность, по мнению профессора, на данном этапе эволюции человечества является более благоприятной моделью поведения, которая обеспечивает более упорядоченную, менее подверженную стрессам жизнь.

Но подсознательно и тонко почувствовать преимущества такой модели поведения и принять ее способны далеко не все мужчины. Каназава утверждает, что это по силам, в первую очередь, мужчинам с высоким IQ.

«Моя теория предполагает, что только мужчины с высокоразвитым интеллектом способны по-настоящему оценить привлекательность и положительные для них стороны моногамного поведения, сексуальной эксклюзивности партнерши», – говорит Каназава.

Но он же считает, что его теория неприменима к женщинам – профессор утверждает, что женщины якобы всегда тяготели к одному партнеру, даже в условиях полигамного общества.


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Intelligente Männer gehen weniger fremd "Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, Evolu­tionspsychologe an der Londoner School of Economics and Political Science behauptet: «Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen Intelligenz und Treue.» Männer, die das Fremdgehen nicht lassen können, hätten einen niedrigeren IQ als treue Partner.

Kanazawas These basiert auf der Annahme, dass Männer «in der Evolutionsgeschichte immer einen leichten Hang zur Polygamie gehabt haben». Heutzutage seien wir im Evolutionsstadium sexuell exklusiver Beziehungen angelangt. Monogamie – eine «evolutionäre Neuerung» für Männer. Demnach sind schlaue Männer eher in der Lage, sich der Evolution anzupassen. Kanazawa ist sich sicher: «Intelligente Männer schätzen eher sexuelle Exklusivität und Monogamie als weniger intelligente Männer.»

Diese Erkenntnisse gelten gemäss dem Forscher übrigens nicht für Frauen. Schliesslich sei von ihnen immer Treue erwartet worden.".

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Les hommes intelligents sont plus fidèles "Les hommes au quotient intellectuel plus élevé auraient moins tendance à tromper leur partenaire. Selon une étude rapportée par le journal britannique Daily Telegraph, les hommes intelligents sont moins susceptibles de tromper leur partenaire que ceux ayant un quotient intellectuel inférieur. Ces derniers auraient moins tendance à être monogames".

C’est Satoshi Kanazawa du London School of Economics and Political Science qui a réalisé cette étude britannique.

Selon lui, dans la préhistoire, les hommes étaient rarement monogames. Dans la société actuelle, où les conquêtes sont à portée de main, seuls les hommes intelligents adhèrent à la valeur de fidélité et d’exclusivité sexuelle.

Par contre, pour certains scientifiques, cette étude est grandement discutable. Selon eux, plusieurs facteurs jouent un rôle dans la fidélité et ils n’ont rien à voir avec l’intelligence. La question serait beaucoup plus complexe.

Ils citent même en exemple plusieurs grands hommes qui ont pourtant trompé leur femme, comme les Kennedy par exemple. Ces hommes étaient pourtant dotés d’une grande intelligence, mais ont succombé malgré tout à la tentation, qui de nos jours, est de plus en plus grande.

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Are liberals and atheists smarter? Satoshi Kanazawa

According to the Star, in new research bound to irk conservative geniuses, people with high IQs are deemed more likely to be liberal, monogamous non-believers than those who are less intelligent. In an article for Social Psychology Quarterly, Kanazawa lays out facts based on U.S. data to support his theory. According to that research, young adults who identify as "not at all religious" had an average IQ of 103 as teens, while those who identified as "very religious" had an average IQ of 97. Similarly, young adults who called themselves "very liberal" had an average IQ of 106 during adolescence, while those who identified themselves as "very conservative" had average IQs of 95.

Kanazawa believes there are evolutionary reasons behind this. Ten thousand years ago, when humans were hunter-gatherers, we mated, tended to our kin and fled when danger was in the air – activities that did not require much intelligence. Kanazawa says humans were thus biologically designed to be conservative and put a high value on family.

The U.S. data also show a relationship between male adolescent intelligence and how much, as adults, they came to value sexual exclusivity. The more intelligent the male respondents were, the more they believed in monogamy.

Kanazawa says future research will explore whether intelligent people are more likely to buy into other evolutionarily novel values, like vegetarianism, feminism, pacifism and environmentalism. Meanwhile, he expects the average intelligence of all western populations to decline slightly in the 21st century, because more intelligent people tend to have fewer offspring. Interestingly, Kanazawa describes himself as a married atheist libertarian with a strong distaste for liberals. But, as a scientist, he says he is bound to report the facts.

FoxNews gives a slightly different opinion on the matter: "Satoshi's really suggesting that smart people are more likely to take risks and experiment. This makes sense, but only temporarily.

It just so happens that I was once an outspoken liberal, a normal state for an attention-seeking teenager with back acne. But, after awhile, I started rejecting the easy romance of leftism, as hard reality started hitting me in the face. So, while it takes brains to question the natural state of things, you need even more brains to later question the questioning. Smart people question their parents, but then smarter people realize later that their parents were right all along.

Bottom line: Braininess isn't reflected in rebellion against common sense. Instead, it's rebellion against rebellion that shows real smarts — that and an acceptance that unicorns rule and griffins suck."

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Dr Satoshi Kanazawa: evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa, fidelity and infidelity

Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa PhD is a reader in Management and an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics. His research uses evolutionary psychology to analyze social sciences such as sociology, economics, and anthropology. In 2003, in an article in the Journal of Research in Personality, he showed that scientists generally made their biggest discovery before their mid-30s, and compared this productivity curve to that of criminals.

In 2006 Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa published an article in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, claiming that attractive people are 26% less likely to have male offspring. In a letter to the editors, Columbia statistician Andrew Gelman points out that a correct interpretation of the regression coefficients in Kanazawa's analysis is that attractive people are 8% more likely to have girls, an error that Kanazawa acknowledges. Gelman further argues that Kanazawa's analysis does not convincingly show causality, because of possible endogeneity as well as problematic interpretations of statistical significance in multiple comparisons. While Kanazawa claims that the former error is "merely linguistic" and that he addressed the latter two in his initial article, Gelman maintains that his original criticism remains valid.

Kanazawa has co-written three books with Alan Miller: "Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire—Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What We Do", Why Men Gamble and Women Buy Shoes: How Evolution Shaped the Way We Behave and Order by Accident: The Origins and Consequences of Conformity in Contemporary Japan. He also writes a blog entitled The Scientific Fundamentalist for Psychology Today. Kanazawa is credited with coining the term Savanna principle: the theory that societal difficulties are due to the fact that the human brain evolved in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago, a drastically different environment from today's urban, industrial society.

Commenting on the criticism directed against some evolutionary psychology theories, Kanazawa has stated that "The only responsibility that scientists have is to the truth, nothing else. Scientists are not responsible for the potential or actual consequences of the knowledge they create."

Commenting on the War on Terror, Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa claimed that "there is one resource that our enemies have in abundance but we don’t: hate. Hatred of enemies has always been a proximate emotional motive for war throughout human evolutionary history." He then offers the following thought experiment: "Imagine that, on September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers came down, the President of the United States was not George W. Bush, but Ann Coulter. What would have happened then? On September 12, President Coulter would have ordered the US military forces to drop 35 nuclear bombs throughout the Middle East, killing all of our actual and potential enemy combatants, and their wives and children. On September 13, the war would have been over and won, without a single American life lost. Yes, we need a woman in the White House, but not the one who’s running (Hillary Clinton, ed.)".

Posted By Medicina Alternativa - Médecine non conventionnelle  

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Matthieu Ricard: Matthieu Ricard, Matthieu Ricard Wissenschaftliche Schriften, Matthieu Ricard Fotobände

Matthieu Ricard wuchs im Umfeld Frankreichs Intellektueller auf. Seine Mutter, die Künstlerin Yahne Le Toumelin, und sein Vater, der unter dem Pseudonym Jean-François Revel einer der einflussreichsten lebenden Philosophen und politischen Theoretiker Frankreichs war, ermöglichten ihm den Umgang mit großen Denkern und Schöpfern dieser Zeit.

Nach eigener Darstellung begann sein "eigentliches" Leben am 2. Juni 1967, als er Kangyur Rinpoche begegnete. Als Kangyur starb, wurde Matthieu Ricard Mönch und persönlicher Assistent von Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, mit dem er zwölf Jahre lang Tag und Nacht verbrachte. Nach dem Tod seines Lehrers schrieb er das Buch „Journey to Enlightenment: The Life and World of Khyentse Rinpoche, Spiritual Teacher from Tibet“ über dessen Leben und Wirken.

Seit 1989 ist er offizieller Französisch-Übersetzer für den Dalai Lama. Zusammen mit seinem Vater veröffentlichte er das international erfolgreiche Buch „Der Mönch und der Philosoph“. Darin werden zu Themen von allgemeinem philosophischem, spirituellem und gesellschaftlichem Interesse, die Perspektive der westlichen Welt und des Buddhismus gegenübergestellt; Unterschiede aufgezeigt und Gemeinsamkeiten hervorgehoben.

Er ist Board Member des Mind and Life Institute, das die Kommunikation zwischen- und die Zusammenarbeit von Westlicher Wissenschaft und Buddhismus fördert. Er arbeitet gegenwärtig gemeinsam mit Hirnforschern über die Wirkung von Meditation und Geistestraining auf das Gehirn (Madison-Wisconsin, Princeton und Berkeley). Ricard lebt aktuell im Kloster Shechen in Nepal.

Matthieu Ricard Wissenschaftliche Schriften
* mit Antoine Lutz, Lawrence L. Greischar , Nancy B. Rawlings und Richard J. Davidson: Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice. PNAS 2004: 101, no. 46
* mit Paul Ekman, Richard J. Davidson und B. A. Wallace: Buddhist and psychological perspectives on emotions and well-Being. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2005: 14, 59-63.

Matthieu Ricard Weitere Werke
* Mystery of Animal Migration. Constable, 1969, ISBN 978-0094566606
* Glück. Nymphenburger, München 2007 ISBN 3485011169
* Meditation. Nymphenburger, München 2009 ISBN 3485011673
* Tibet. Mit den Augen der Liebe. Frederking und Thaler, München 2006 ISBN 3894056789 (Bildband)
* Das Licht Tibets. Leben und Welt des spirituellen Meisters Khyentse Rimpoche. Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt 1998 ISBN 3861502542
* mit Jean-François Revel: Der Mönch und der Philosoph. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1999 ISBN 3462027832
* mit Trinh Xuan Thuan: Quantum und Lotus. Goldmann, München 2001 ISBN 3442336392
* mit Wolf Singer: Hirnforschung und Meditation. Ein Dialog. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 2008 ISBN 3518260049

Matthieu Ricard Fotobände
* The Spirit of Tibet. Aperture 2000 ISBN 978-0893819033
* mit Olivier und Danielle Föllmi: Buddhismus im Himalaya. Knesebeck, München 2002 ISBN 3896601318

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Матье Рикар: Матье Рикар французский автор, Матье Рикар пишущий о буддизме, переводчик и фотограф

Матье Рикар (фр. Matthieu Ricard; р. 15 февраля 1946 (64 года), Экс-ле-Бен) — французский автор, пишущий о буддизме, переводчик и фотограф. Буддийский монах тибетской буддийской школы Ньингма. Проживает в монастыре Шечен в Непале. С подачи тестировавших его научных центров, в прессе Матье Рикар был прозван «самым счастливым человеком на свете».

Матье Рикар родился в семье заметного парижского философа Жана-Франсуа Ревеля (первая фамилия Рикар) и вырос в интеллектуальной среде, окружавшей отца. В 1967 году он впервые посетил Индию. В 1972 году он получил докторскую степень в области молекулярной генетики в Институте Пастера, после чего отошёл от научной деятельности в пользу практики тибетского буддизма.

Он отправился в Гималаи и изучал буддизм под руководством Кангьюра Ринпоче[1] и других крупных тибетских мастеров. Затем он стал близким учеником и помощником Дилго Кьенце Ринпоче, и оставался с учителем до его смерти в 1991 году. С тех пор Матье Рикар посвятил себя исполнению задач, возложенных на него учителем. Владея познаниями как в буддизме, так и в области естественных наук, Матье Рикар неоднократно привлекал внимание европейских интеллектуалов своими книгами. Его диалог с отцом, «Монах и философ», стал европейским бестселлером и был переведён на 21 язык.

Матье Рикар перевёл с тибетского языка несколько книг, в том числе «Житие Шабкара». Матье Рикар также известен как фотограф, портфолио которого состоит из нескольких альбомов, посвящённых культуре тибетского буддизма. Матье Рикар — кавалер французского ордена «За заслуги», полученного за гуманитарную работу в странах Азии. Он направляет значительную часть своих усилий и авторских гонораров на благотворительные проекты в Азии, в том числе на строительство и поддержку больниц, школ и детских домов.

С 1989 года переводит речи Далай-ламы на французский язык. Рикар был подопытным добровольцем в исследовании состояния счастья в Висконсинском университете, где набрал -0.45 баллов, что не было сравнимо ни с кем из сотен других добровольцев: +0.3 в этих экспериментах означали депрессию, а -0.3 огромное счастье.[3]


Posted By Medicina Alternativa - Médecine non conventionnelle  

Matthieu Ricard: Matthieu Ricard happiness, Matthieu Ricard book, meditation Matthieu Ricard

Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard lives at Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery, in Nepal. In this TED lecture, Matthieu Ricard talks about what happiness is, and how we can all get some.

Matthieu Ricard is a French biochemist, turned Buddhist monk. Matthieu Ricard  says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. Born in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie, he is the son of the late Jean-François Revel (born Jean-François Ricard), a renowned French philosopher, and grew up among the personalities and ideas of French intellectual circles. He first traveled to India in 1967. Matthieu Ricard worked for a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics at the Institut Pasteur, and after completing his doctoral thesis in 1972, he decided to forsake his scientific career and concentrate on the practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

He lived in the Himalayas studying with the Kangyur Rinpoche and some other great masters of that tradition and became the close student and attendant of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche until his passing in 1991. Since then, Mr. Ricard has dedicated his activities to fulfilling Khyentse Rinpoche’s vision. Ricard’s photographs of the spiritual masters, the landscape, and the people of the Himalayas have appeared in numerous books and magazines. Henri Cartier-Bresson has said of his work, "Matthieu’s spiritual life and his camera are one, from which springs these images, fleeting and eternal."

Matthieu Ricard is the author and photographer of Tibet, An Inner Journey and Monk Dancers of Tibet and, in collaboration, the photobooks Buddhist Himalayas, Journey to Enlightenment and recently Motionless Journey: From a Hermitage in the Himalayas. He is the translator of numerous Buddhist texts, including The Life of Shabkar.

The dialogue with his father, Jean-Francois Revel, The Monk and the Philosopher, was a best seller in Europe and was translated into 21 languages, and The Quantum and the Lotus (coauthored with Trinh Xuan Thuan) reflects his long-standing interest in science and Buddhism. His 2003 book Plaidoyer pour le bonheur (published in English in 2006 as Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill) explores the meaning and fulfillment of happiness and was a major best-seller in France.

Matthieu Ricard received the French National Order of Merit for his humanitarian work in the East. For the last few years, Mr. Ricard has dedicated his effort and the royalties of his books to various charitable projects in Asia, that include building and maintaining clinics, schools and orphanages in the region. He has been dubbed the "happiest person in the world" by popular media. Matthieu Ricard was a volunteer subject in a study performed at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's on happiness, scoring significantly beyond the average obtained after testing hundreds of other volunteers. A board member of the Mind and Life Institute, which is devoted to meetings and collaborative research between scientists and Buddhist scholars and meditators, his contributions have appeared in Destructive Emotions (edited by Daniel Goleman) and other books of essays. He is deeply engaged in the research on the effect of mind training on the brain, at Madison-Wisconsin, Princeton and Berkeley.

Topics: matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard happiness, matthieu ricard book, meditation matthieu ricard, devotion of matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard 2009, the devotion of matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard books, matthieu ricard ted, matthieu ricard video, matthieu ricard photos, matthieu ricard youtube, dalai lama matthieu ricard, happiness by matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard photography, matthieu ricard interview, matthieu ricard quotes

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