New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

Archive for the 'Satoshi Kanazawa' Category

IQ, beliefs and fidelity: Intelligent men ‘less likely to cheat’?

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa and his studies, as reported by The Telegraph: Dr Satoshi Kanazawa research concludes that more intelligent men are more likely to value monogamy and sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men. But the connection between conventional sexual morality and intelligence is not mirrored in women. The patterns were uncovered by Dr Satoshi Kanazawa […]

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Estudo liga infidelidade masculina a QI mais baixo “Homens que traem as esposas e namoradas tendem a ter QI mais baixo e ser menos inteligentes, segundo um estudo publicado na revista especializada Social Psychology Quarterly. De acordo com o autor do estudo, o especialista em psicologia evolutiva da London School of Economics, Satoshi Kanazawa, “homens inteligentes estão mais propensos a valorizar a […]

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Intelligente Männer gehen weniger fremd “Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, Evolu­tionspsychologe an der Londoner School of Economics and Political Science behauptet: «Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen Intelligenz und Treue.» Männer, die das Fremdgehen nicht lassen können, hätten einen niedrigeren IQ als treue Partner. Kanazawas These basiert auf der Annahme, dass Männer «in der Evolutionsgeschichte immer einen leichten Hang zur Polygamie gehabt […]

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Les hommes intelligents sont plus fidèles “Les hommes au quotient intellectuel plus élevé auraient moins tendance à tromper leur partenaire. Selon une étude rapportée par le journal britannique Daily Telegraph, les hommes intelligents sont moins susceptibles de tromper leur partenaire que ceux ayant un quotient intellectuel inférieur. Ces derniers auraient moins tendance à être monogames”. C’est Satoshi Kanazawa du London […]

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Are liberals and atheists smarter? Satoshi Kanazawa

According to the Star, in new research bound to irk conservative geniuses, people with high IQs are deemed more likely to be liberal, monogamous non-believers than those who are less intelligent. In an article for Social Psychology Quarterly, Kanazawa lays out facts based on U.S. data to support his theory. According to that research, young […]

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