New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

Archive for the 'meditation styles' Category

Meditation styles: Jewish meditation, Meditation in Kabbalah, Meditation in Hasidism

Jewish meditation includes the teachings of Abraham ben Maimonides. In Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia, Isaac the Blind, Azriel of Gerona, Moses Cordovero, Yosef Karo and Isaac Luria. In Hasidism of the Baal Shem Tov, Schneur Zalman of Liadi and Nachman of Breslov. In the Mussar Movement of Israel Salanter and Simcha Zissel Ziv. Jewish meditation […]

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Meditation styles: Nām Japō, Dhyāna in Hinduism, Dhyāna in Buddhism, Dhyāna in Jainism

Introduction to the meditation styles: Nām Japō, Dhyāna in Hinduism, Dhyāna in Buddhism, Dhyāna in Jainism. Nām Japō Nām Japō is performed by singing Hymns from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib or of the various Names of God, specially the chanting of the word Waheguru, which means Wonderful Lord. Singing of hymns generally is also […]

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Meditation styles: Acem Meditation, Autogenic training, Biofeedback, Natural Stress Relief – Secular meditation styles

There are several forms of non-theistic meditation, developed as a way of overcoming dualism, promoting physical and mental well being:– Acem Meditation has been developed in the Scandinavian countries since 1966. It is non-religious technique with no requirement for change of lifestyle or adaption to any system of belief.– Autogenic training was developed by the […]

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Interfaith meditation: spiritual meditation, meditation procedures, meditation styles

In the new days, we’ll be running a special about interfaith meditation. If you are interested about spiritual meditation, meditation procedures, meditation styles please check this blog regularly. Thanks!

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