New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

New year's Resolutions tips and ideas

Author Archive

Alternative Medicine for Aging courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses

Alternative Medicine for Aging courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses Course Title: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and AgingCredits: 1 hour of CME; 1.2 nursing contact hours (CEU)Cost: Free Lecturer: Marc R. Blackman, M.D., Former Chief of the Endocrine Section Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Learning Objectives: – […]

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More on Electric Oil diffusers – Aromatherapy tips

Electric Oil diffusers can break down the oils into separate molecules to make easier for the aroma to be inhaled. And once we switch it on, it will last for a couple hours. We need to ensure our diffuser operates with cold air, because heat may destroy active medicinal constituents. Aromatherapy: aromatherapy articles, aromatherapy forum, […]

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Applied philosophy, appliedsophy: end of boring monologues

Philosophy has often been seen as an investigation into an area not sufficiently well understood to have its own branch of knowledge. What were once philosophical pursuits have evolved into the modern day fields such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics, for example. From this prospective, philosophy has been a noble quest for truth. We […]

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Social media how to: social media holistic strategies, social media optimization

Readers searching for social media holistic strategies should check out with “Social media how to guide” with advices about social media optimization.  Social media protagonists are both producers and consumers of the media. The way prosumers interact with other prosumers is very different from the way a consumer interacts with a producer. Social Media are […]

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Holistic blog: about holistic blogs, holistic blogging and how to blog holistically

You are reading this post, so chances are you have already one or more blogs. Have you ever considered to blog holistically? We are not talking only about starting a holistic blog, but also about blogging about your favorite topic having one of our best approaches: an holistic one. If you, too, are open to […]

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Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses

Course Title: Manipulative and Body-Based Therapies: Chiropractic and SpinalCredits: 1 hour of CME; 1.2 nursing contact hours (CEU)Cost: Free Lecturer: William Meeker, D.C., M.P.H., President, Palmer College of Chiropractic, West Campus, San Jose, CALearning Objectives: – Explain the profession of chiropractic– Describe the various procedures utilized in chiropractic– Discuss the potential safety issues associated with […]

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Nebulizer diffuser – Aromatherapy tips

Also called electric oil diffuser, nebulizer diffusers allow us to spread scents into the air that is throughout our homes, offices, shops, etc. There are many types of electric oil diffuser we can choose from, making them the most effective and efficient way to disperse essential oils in the air. It’s recommended for body and […]

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Meditation styles: Christian meditation, Bible meditation

Christian meditation Christian meditation is often associated with prayer or scripture study; Christian meditation is rooted in the Bible. In the Old Testament, there are two Hebrew words for meditation: hāgâ, which means to sigh or murmur, but also to meditate, and sîḥâ, which means to muse, or rehearse in one’s mind. In Joshua 1:8, […]

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Meditation styles: Jewish meditation, Meditation in Kabbalah, Meditation in Hasidism

Jewish meditation includes the teachings of Abraham ben Maimonides. In Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia, Isaac the Blind, Azriel of Gerona, Moses Cordovero, Yosef Karo and Isaac Luria. In Hasidism of the Baal Shem Tov, Schneur Zalman of Liadi and Nachman of Breslov. In the Mussar Movement of Israel Salanter and Simcha Zissel Ziv. Jewish meditation […]

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Meditation styles: Nām Japō, Dhyāna in Hinduism, Dhyāna in Buddhism, Dhyāna in Jainism

Introduction to the meditation styles: Nām Japō, Dhyāna in Hinduism, Dhyāna in Buddhism, Dhyāna in Jainism. Nām Japō Nām Japō is performed by singing Hymns from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib or of the various Names of God, specially the chanting of the word Waheguru, which means Wonderful Lord. Singing of hymns generally is also […]

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Meditation styles: Acem Meditation, Autogenic training, Biofeedback, Natural Stress Relief – Secular meditation styles

There are several forms of non-theistic meditation, developed as a way of overcoming dualism, promoting physical and mental well being:– Acem Meditation has been developed in the Scandinavian countries since 1966. It is non-religious technique with no requirement for change of lifestyle or adaption to any system of belief.– Autogenic training was developed by the […]

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Meditation styles: Concentration meditation, Walking meditation

There are several meditation styles which we are going to explore together. In general terms, meditation has been defined as: “self regulation of attention, in the service of self-inquiry, in the here and now.” The various techniques of meditation can be classified according to their focus. Some focus on the field or background perception and […]

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Interfaith meditation: spiritual meditation, meditation procedures, meditation styles

In the new days, we’ll be running a special about interfaith meditation. If you are interested about spiritual meditation, meditation procedures, meditation styles please check this blog regularly. Thanks!

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Bathing – Aromatherapy tips

Bathing can be a pleasurable, highly relaxing experience and adding essential oils to our bathwater enhance the enjoyment. We start by adding 6 drops of essential oils or blend into the bath water. The scents of essential oils fill the room with delightful fragrances, while essential oils enter the skin pores and relax tired muscles. […]

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Health and Spirituality courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses

Health and Spirituality courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses Course Title: Health and SpiritualityCredits: 1 hour of CME; 1.2 nursing contact hours (CEU)Cost: Free Lecturer: Anne Harrington, Ph.D., Professor for the History of Science in the Department of the History of Science at Harvard UniversityLearning Objectives: – To understand the range of research traditions […]

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Alternativa medicino

Alternativa medicino Alternativa medicino, estas nomo por terapioj kaj kuracmetodoj, kiuj ne estas konsiderataj efikaj laÅ­ la medicina scienco (alopatio), ĉar mankus sciencaj atestoj pri ilia efektiveco. Sekve, tiu inkluzivas de tradiciaj kuracmetodoj, ĝis novaj neortodoksaj medicinaj metodoj, pro tio, ne estas difina lineo por iu terapio esti rigardata kiel alternativa aÅ­ ne. Ekzemple, en […]

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Effects of Natural Products courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses

Effects of Natural Products courses – Free Alternative Medicine video courses Course Title: Studying the Effects of Natural ProductsCredits: 1 hour of CME; 1.2 nursing contact hours (CEU)Cost: Free Lecturer: Ram Sasisekharan, Ph.D. Professor, Division of Biological Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA Learning Objectives: – Describe the role of natural products in health care research– Describe […]

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Alternativna medicina

Alternativna medicina Alternativna medicina je termin koji se koristi od druge polovine dvadesetog stoljeća za skupinu terapijskih postupaka koji zbog zastarjelosti (i zbog toga odbačenosti), nedostatka dokaza o djelotvornosti, ili čak Å¡tetnosti, nisu dio medicine. Te postupke najčešće vrÅ¡e osobe koje nisu proÅ¡le znanstveno utemeljeni i državno verificirani oblik medicinskog obrazovanja – medicinske fakultete ili […]

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Neurobiological Correlates of Acupuncture – Free Alternative Medicine video courses

Neurobiological Correlates of Acupuncture – Free Alternative Medicine video courses Course Title: Neurobiological Correlates of AcupunctureCredits: 1 hour of CME; 1.2 nursing contact hours (CEU)Cost: Free Lecturer: Bruce R. Rosen Director, MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Massachusetts General Hospital Charlestown, MALearning Objectives: – Describe the use of brain imaging to study acupuncture– […]

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Massage with essential oils – Aromatherapy tips

Essential oils – when used for massage – are usually diluted with carrier oils, and then applied to the skin. In this was, they are absorbed by the skin, and penetrates into the tissues of the body, your blood and the interstitial fluid. Using fragrant oil on tired muscles is a pleasurable way to relax […]

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Medicina alternativa

Medicina alternativa – Definiciones El National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) estadounidense define la medicina complementaria y alternativa como «un conjunto diverso de sistemas, prácticas y productos médicos y de atención de la salud que no se considera actualmente parte de la medicina convencional». Una distinción que el NCCAM hace es que la […]

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Alternativmedizin: Komplementärmedizin, Alternative Heilmethoden, Sanfte Medizin, Ganzheitliche Medizin

Alternativmedizin Weitestgehend synonym, jedoch mit unterschiedlicher Konnotation, werden folgende Begriffe verwendet: Komplementärmedizin, Alternative Heilmethoden, neue Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden, Sanfte Medizin und Ganzheitliche Medizin. Mit negativer Konnotation wird der Begriff Paramedizin verwendet. In der internationalen Diskussion scheint sich der Begriff „Komplementärmedizin“ durchzusetzen. Er nimmt zudem die Beobachtung auf, dass solche Behandlungsmethoden von den Patienten ergänzend zu […]

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Herbert Benson – Founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute

Bodymind: background Bodymind stands, as self-evident. for body and mind. Still, its precise meaning varies from one meditation tradition to another. These different understandings often complement each other. For example, philosopher Herbert V. Günther has stated that “What we call ‘body’ and ‘mind’ are mere abstractions from an identity experience that cannot be reduced to […]

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Jooga, Hatha-jooga – Alternatiivmeditsiin

Jooga Jooga (yoga ike või side) on india traditsioonilise maailmakäsitlus põhimõiste, mis väljendab inimese püüdu reguleerida ja korrastada oma käitumist, hoiakuid ja mõtlemist senise teadvuseseisundi ületamiseks ning teatava ideaalse seisundi (brahmaniga samasuse, nirvaana) saavutamiseks. Seda taotletakse kastiomase (vt India kastisüsteem) rituaali ja kohuse (dharma) järgse tegutsemisega (karma), andumusliku usuga jumalasse (bhakti) ja teadmisega (džnjaana). Hatha-jooga […]

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Aromatherapy compresses – Aromatherapy tips

Aching muscles, headaches and skin irritations can be relieved with hot or cold compresses. Adding essential oils improves the effectiveness of a compress and help target specific conditions. Making an aromatherapy compress at home is a quick and easy way to provide soothing relief for ours or our family’s aches and pains. 1) We place […]

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Refleksoloogia, Loodusravi – Alternatiivmeditsiin

Refleksoloogia Refleksoloogia ehk tsooniteraapia on akupunktuurile sarnanev alternatiivmeditsiini praktika, kus jalatalla, peopesa või kõrvalesta teatud punkte survega mõjutades püütakse parandada patsiendi tervist ja enesetunnet. Toimemehhanismi ühtne seletus puudub. Ãœldiselt väidavad refleksoloogid, et jalatallal on närvilõpmed, mis on mingil viisil vastavuses ja seoses keha erinevate organite, organisüsteemide ja tsoonidega. Seose iseloomu kohta puudub seletus. Mitmed refleksoloogid […]

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Homöopaatia, Reiki, Shiatsu – Alternatiivmeditsiin

Homöopaatia Homöopaatia on alternatiivmeditsiini haru, mis põhineb põhimõttel, et “sarnane ravib sarnast” (ladina k similia similibus curentur). Homöopaatia teaduslikuks alusepanijaks on 19. sajandi algul elanud Saksa arst Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843). Homöopaatias kasutatakse haiguste ravimiseks ülimalt lahjendatiud aineid, mis suuremas kontsentratsioonis kutsuksid esile ravitava haigusega sarnaseid sümptomeid. Homöopaatilised ravimid on tihti nii tugevasti vees […]

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Aroomiteraapia, Akupunktuur, Nõelravi – Eesti

Aroomiteraapia Aroomiteraapia on eeterlike õlide ja teiste taimse päritoluga lõhnaainete kasutamine inimese meeleolu või tervise mõjutamiseks. Seda peetakse üheks alternatiivmeditsiini meetodiks. Bergamotiõli – AroomiteraapiaAroomiteraapias omistatakse bergamotiõlile järgmisi raviomadusi:– ajutegevuse stimuleerimine– mõtlemisvõime tõstmine– mälu tugevdamine– vereringe parandamine– lihasevalude ja muude valude leevendamine– stressi, masenduse ja hirmu leevendamine– unehäirete kõrvaldamine– nahapõletike ja vinnide ravi– söögiisu tasakaalustamine (isutuse […]

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Alternatiivmeditsiini: Akupunktuur, Antroposoofiline meditsiin, Aroomiteraapi, Homöopaatia, Jooga, Kiropraktika, Loodusravi, Muusikateraapia, Nõelravi, Refleksoloogia, Reiki, Shiatsu, Värviteraapia

Alternatiivmeditsiini meetodeid – Antroposoofiline meditsiin– Aroomiteraapia– Ellujäämise õpetus (Luule Viilma õpetus)– Homöopaatia– Jooga– Kiropraktika– Loodusravi– Muusikateraapia– Nõelravi (akupunktuur)– Refleksoloogia– Reiki– Shiatsu– Värviteraapia Alternatiivmeditsiin Abi Alternatiivmeditsiin on diagnostika, profülaktika ja ravi meetodid, mille toimimisel puudub üldtunnustatud põhjendus ning mida kasutatakse teadusliku meditsiini asemel või kõrval. Mõningatel juhtudel kasutavad ka arstid alternatiivmeditsiini vahendeid või teevad selle praktiseerijatega […]

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Komplementärmedicin – Alternativmedicin,

Alternativmedicin: komplementärmedicin Alternativmedicinen har inget som helst offentligt erkännande i det svenska sjukvÃ¥rdssystemet. Det finns inga statligt godkända utbildningar. Utländska utbildningar som är godkända av myndigheterna i andra EU-länder accepteras inte heller i Sverige. Branschorganisationen KAM har under ett antal Ã¥r arbetat med frivillig certifiering av utbildningar för terapeuter och har som lÃ¥ngsiktigt mÃ¥l att […]

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